Twister Cure Puck

The Cure Puck is a smart IoT device that helps ensure perfect curing every time by measuring key indicators in the headspace, the environment in the curing room and automatically burping containers when required.

The Cure Puck helps ensure perfect curing every time by measuring key indicators in the headspace, the environment in the curing room and automatically burping containers when required.

Vent gases in a precise and controlled way to maximize the benefits of curing.

Stabilise Water Activity

Experience the ideal balance in your cannabis with Cure Puck’s advanced IoT technology that stabilises water activity, allowing for a perfectly cured and preserved product. By maintaining the optimal water activity, Cure Puck ensures that your flowers stays fresh and sticky.

Improve Flower Quality and Consistency

Cure Puck enhances flower quality and consistency by precisely controlling the curing process. Create premium grade cannabis with an improved burn, taste, aroma and shelf life resulting in an elevated user experience.

Automate the Process

Streamline your flower curing process with automation. Eliminate guesswork and manual adjustments by allowing the Cure Puck to automatically burp containers when necessary, ensuring a consistent and precise cure every time.

Available in the following regions:
  • Australia
  • New Zealand